If you want to check out all of the 'thankfulness' photos that she posted, you can check it out here (and see if you can find my daughter among all the other cute little kids ;)
I'm Thankful For...
In the spirit of American Thanksgiving, one of my favourite wedding photographers (Jessica Claire) put on a photo contest through her blog. I decided to enter a photo of my daughter as a person that I'm thankful for, and although I didn't win the contest, I was excited to see that my photo showed up on her blog!
If you want to check out all of the 'thankfulness' photos that she posted, you can check it out here (and see if you can find my daughter among all the other cute little kids ;)

If you want to check out all of the 'thankfulness' photos that she posted, you can check it out here (and see if you can find my daughter among all the other cute little kids ;)
Baby Ben
Baby Ben
September 28, 2007
One Month Old
My friends Jenn & Jon had their baby boy, Benjamin Alexander, on August 22nd. I was excited to go over to their home to take some baby pictures of him at one month old! Baby Ben is a sweet little guy who loves to be held, and I was happy to help out when he needed a break from pictures ;)
Here are a few "parts" photos:
Emily, Katie, & Amber ~ Sisters
Emily, Katie, & Amber
September 13, 2007
Victoria Park
Kitchener, Ontario
I went to a park with these three sisters to take some photos of them- it was a LOT of fun!!
Emily is the oldest of the three who were there for the session (they have 3 other siblings).
Then comes Katie
Followed by Amber (who could not stop pulling faces ;)
One more individual of each of the girls to share with you...
Emily on the monkey bars
And this last one involves a little unusual post processing, but I like the effect :)
Birth Announcement
I'm planning to offer the option of ordering your photos on cards (Birth Announcements, Thank You, Holiday, etc.) and wanted to post my first completed design. It's a Birth Announcement that can be used for a boy or a girl. It's a bit of a take off on the Parts Posters that I posted about last month- simple, clean, white on black, with 6 square photos.

These are available on photo quality paper, and are 4x6"
They will be available to order after your photo session or as part of a package.
(Stay tuned for details on that).
These are available on photo quality paper, and are 4x6"
They will be available to order after your photo session or as part of a package.
(Stay tuned for details on that).
It's still in the beginning stages, & I'll be adding more to it as I get parts completed,
but I'm excited to announce that I have a (real) website now! I hope you all like it!
Hilary & Eric
Hilary & Eric
August 14, 2007
Brantford, Ontario
My sister and her husband were visiting from the U.S. this past week. We got a chance to get out and take some pictures with the two of them while they were here.
Parts Posters
I've been learning more and more about my software and am excited to be learning new ways to improve and present my photos. After some fun playing around and experimenting with photos of my daughter, I'm excited to announce the first product that I have to offer!
I'm calling them "Parts Posters".
They can be ordered from your portrait session or wedding.
Here are a couple of samples:

You can click on the "posters" link at the bottom of the blog to see more posters that I've created for clients.
I'm calling them "Parts Posters".
They can be ordered from your portrait session or wedding.
Here are a couple of samples:
Betsy & Steve ~ Wedding
Betsy & Steve
June 23, 2007
Provo/American Fork, Utah
My hubby & my daughter
All of the kids on both sides wore matching outfits :)
My favourite part of the food ;)
...& evidently my niece's as well ;)
Their centrepieces (there were fish- not sure where he was hiding when I took this one)
there he is
My nephew's favourite part of the food ;)
Cake smashing
They got each other good
The aftermath
My father in law with my niece, Anna (the strawberry eater).
Balloons in waiting to be released when the bride & groom made their exit