Talia's 3rd Birthday Party

I'm finding lately that I really enjoy running around at events, capturing the meaningful moments and the special details.

Back in January, my daughter Talia turned 3. I planned a "Fairy Princess Tea Party" for her and a couple of her little friends, and took pictures of it all.

If you're on my personal facebook, then you may have seen these back then, but I thought they might be worth sharing on here as well. They're another example of a type of event that could be covered with photography.

Talia's Fairy Princess Tea Party
January, 2009

Talia and a doll, before the 'real' guests arrived.

At the end of a treasure hunt around the house, they found their treasure (chocolate coins, bracelets, and crowns) in the chest, along with their own tutus.

I made the tutus & bracelets! I felt so "Martha"! ;)

Each guest had a little bag of "pixie dust" to sprinkle on her cupcake

This one was taken by my husband- one of the rare pictures featuring me :)

Frosting was by far the most popular part of the cupcakes ;)

I have to give credit to No Fuss Fabulous for some of these party ideas- check out their website for more fun ideas! :)

Wanna see Talia's 4th Birthday Party? Click here to check it out! :)
Click here for other party posts.

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  1. love the pics of your daughter! Loove at all of those Tutu's! Adorable

  2. Oh what a beautiful party. As a mother of 2 little boys, I secretly long for tuille and tiaras, pretty pastels and fairy glitter. One thing looks VERY familiar though. The cupcake.... minus the frosting. Ha ha ha! I guess little boys and little girls are essentially the same! GORGEOUS images Heather.

  3. Thank you 2 angels, and Annie :) haha about the frosting :)

  4. Thank you 2 angels, and Annie :) haha about the frosting :)

  5. I adore the little details. And your little one is so cute. Great job on the tutu's!

  6. amazing, no really AMAZING!!!

    I love the colors and your sweater matches so nicely.

    The love is evident in these images Heather.
    So cute too!

  7. What a lovely little sweetheart and a dream party! This makes me want to have a daughter and I'm going to fly you down to plan the party :) My son's two-year-old birthday is next month, and all I can come up with is to put tractors on the cake

  8. Awwww, it's great to see you in this set! These images are all positively delicious!

  9. So sweet! How do you plan on topping it this year? :)

  10. Hi Heather! I absolutely love your pictures! They've given me a lot of inspiration as I plan my niece's 5th birthday party. I am wondering if you wouldn't mind telling me where you found those plastic teacups? You can also e-mail me at guavaamaretto@gmail.com if that's easier for you. Thanks so much! - Elizabeth

    1. Hi Elizabeth, thank you! :)
      The tea cups are actually glass, not plastic! My mom has a punch bowl that came with those cups, and I borrowed them from her. I wish I could give you a more helpful source!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne