Angel Hair for Kids

As you know from yesterday's post, Talia cut her own hair!

So, the morning after the incident, we headed to a local children's hair salon to have her hair re-cut. I have to say thanks to Tammy there who was so good with me (the traumatized Mamma) and with giving us time to make our decision.

So, about our decision... We got there, Talia sat on the "Clifford the Big Red Dog" chair and started watching her Dora Snow Princess DVD when Tammy started to explain the options for her haircut.
We could trim it & have a couple of random chunks that were shorter, we could trim it and add layers (this would have been my choice had we not done what we did). And just to be clear on all the options at hand, I said, "Or we could just cut it to the length she cut it to in the front."

"Yeah, but that would be a HUGE change," said Tammy... and then, "....or you could cut off 10 inches and donate it to Angel Hair for Kids*..."

My mom and I turned to look at each other & in a moment we were fanning our faces, trying not to cry. If you've been reading for a while, you might remember my post about the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life, and how my younger sister battled Cancer. She was diagnosed around the time I found out I was pregnant with Talia.

I remember what it was like to watch her lose her hair. I remember the wig she wore. And I remember all of the feelings involved with watching someone I loved go through that.

I did have to think about it for a bit (I sure loved Talia's long hair ;), but once the decision was made, I felt good about it. When Tammy was ready to start, Taila turned around & said, "Is my hair done now?" :) She switched to the pink car for a change of scenery, and we began...

Here we are after the first cut.

So this is how we ended up with a happy ending. I'm so glad Talia left enough hair to be donated and that it was long enough to do so. Now when I look at Talia and her shorter hair, I won't be thinking so much about her stinker moment of hiding under the table with scissors- I'll be thinking of a little girl somewhere who lost her hair and whose parents couldn't afford to buy a wig. And of how Angel Hair for Kids will present her with a wig, and she'll be able to wear a bit of my girl's hair, and be comforted a little.

Turns out she's pretty cute like this,
and this morning I put her hair in pigtails again- it was great! :)
We haven't done that in a long time!
*Angel Hair for Kids™ is a program of A Child’s Voice Foundation that provides wigs and hair loss solutions to financially disadvantaged children who have lost their hair due to a medical condition or treatment. Using hair that is generously donated to the program, wigs and hair systems are created and provided to children in need at no cost to their families.


  1. awww Heather! I"m so glad you did that.. and I love Talia with this length of hair.. she looks adorable!

  2. Thanks Robin! I'm really glad too! I'm glad that hairdresser mentioned the option or I wouldn't have been thinking of it!

  3. Heather - it turned out great!!! And for such a good cause, it all worked out in the end. :)

  4. Way to make lemonade! The shorter hair is a change but she looks cute.

  5. Have to admit, I was fanning my face too when I was reading! :) I think her hair cut looks SO great! Of course, I'm sure that little girl could pull off anything. :) You made a great choice! Can't wait to see you guys!!

  6. Way to start the morning with a tear-jerker story! To think, while Talia was sneaking scissors under the table, some family may have been praying for her hair for their kid :) sniff, sniff. And she looks sooooo adorable! Knowing how that kid makes hair, it'll be no time before it's to her knees again. What a great ending. Great job Heather!

  7. What a happy ending to this story. Talia looks just as cute!

  8. What a great story! And what a way to turn a bad day into a positive experience.

    When I was four, I cut my bangs. Right up to my hairline. It was beautiful. Or not. And the best part? i did it at preschool, with those plastic kiddie scissors!

  9. PS - I would have PAID to see how you reacted when you found that cut hair. I can't imagine you yelled. I doubt you know how :) I'll have to ask Talia.

  10. She's gorgeous! This post made me tear up! I'm so glad you donated.

  11. She looks beautiful and a little older with her hair shorter. What a wonderful lesson she learned!!


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~Heather Lynne