April & May Sharing Time Features

Things were a little crazy for me in April, so I saved the March Sharing Time features for this month. So it's a double feature today! Just click on the photos to go to these great posts! :) Thanks so much to everyone who has been linking up at Sharing Time!


  1. Dear Heather! Thank you so much for featuring my Potato printing - I am so chuffed! Just to ask, could you please change my name from Lindsey to Kerry! :) Don't worry I get muddled too!

    1. Ah! So sorry, Kerry! I've fixed it. In my template in photoshop, I had the name lindsey in there, and I forgot to change it over on yours!

  2. Thank you so much Heather Lynne for featuring our Carrot Smoothie in your April features!!! :)

  3. Oh wow! Thank you so much for featuring my lantern!! What a lovely surprise. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Hi Heather!

    Thanks so much for featuring my project!

    Best wishes!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne