Mother's Day (The Recognition that Matters Most)

Happy Mother's Day!

This is something that I wrote 3 years ago, around Mother's Day. Thought I'd share it today:

In the time I’ve been a mother…

I’ve never made the news
Unless you count the reports my daughter gives my husband of the fun things she did with Mommy while he was at school

I’ve never received an award for my efforts
Unless you count the smile on the lit-up faces of my daughters when I show them how much I love them

I don’t get to go out to eat just for fun very often anymore
Unless you count the “pink milk” & cookies tea parties with my three year old

I don’t get to sing in groups for fun very often anymore
Unless you count the songs sung before naptime, bedtime, and just for fun

I have noticed a decline in my vocabulary
Unless you count “babytalk” (in which I am now fluent!)

I don’t have to write exams or pop quizzes anymore
Unless you count the many spontaneous questions of an inquisitive 3-year-old

I can’t perform a beautiful dance with applause from a crowd
Unless you count the undivided attention and smiles of my 5-month-old when I bust a move for her while pulling faces and making weird noises

I don’t get to the gym to lift weights and I don’t get workout time
Unless you count carrying around a very scrumptious, 17 lb 5-month-old

I don’t get to attend special performances
Unless you count my little girl in her tutu or fairy costume with ballet shoes, prancing around the living room to a CD of nutcracker music

My girls are too young to explain why I’m a good Mommy
Unless you count the little hints of explanation in the everyday moments

And those are the things that count the most

Capturing the Joy in Life


  1. This is so sweet! I'd love it if you share on my Capture the Joy link party tomorrow (about mom's being in pictures with their kids)!

  2. Adorable pic! Thanks for sharing!

  3. your girls are adorable, these are great pictures!

  4. Love the little write up. So true and touching :)

  5. It's true! You have to look carefully, but you're getting applause every day. Thanks for sharing.


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~Heather Lynne