A Visit to the Farm

Last month we were fortunate enough to go and visit a friend's farm with our girls. They LOVED it!!

Well, it wasn't love at 1st smell ;)

But pretty soon there were other things to pay attention to:

One of their favourite things to do was to feed long grass to the cows:

Another highlight was when we got to meet a brand new (that morning) calf!

And watch (and feed) the new Mommies and babies! (it was so cool because there were several pairs and you could totally tell which ones belonged together because they looked alike, and they would be together).

Look at these two! (a little cow kiss!)

There was rain that day, so when it got to be a bit much, we came inside for a break, a snack, and one of Talia's favourite parts- holding this cat like a baby! And we finished the visit off by making one of Talia's dreams come true when she got to sit on a huge horse! Now she really wants to take horse riding lessons!

Thank you, thank you to Sandy who showed us around- the girls loved you! And to John for bringing that little baby over for us to meet! We loved our visit!


  1. LOL I lov that picture of Katrina holding her nose! Looks like you had a great time there! I'm all for Talia taking riding lessons! :)

  2. Looks like Mr. Farmer could use a new pair of gloves, if you're ever looking for a gift for him :) That baby cow kiss is the cutest ever - definitely a potential prize-winner!

  3. Your pictures are so precious! I have my own fond memories of being a little one and having my parents take me to the farm to see the animals - I imagine this will be something your girls will remember for years to come! :-)

  4. Really great photos of the animals! I love mamas and babies together. :) (I follow you on twitter)


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~Heather Lynne