Happy Hallowe'en!

Hope you all had a fabulous Hallowe'en!

Here we are last year (I never shared this)

And this year:

We definitely didn't go all out this year, which was fine- they wanted to be Princesses & we used what we had (plus some sparkly hairspray that I found for $2 ;) They were thrilled with having their hair done & a bit of makeup :)

Ken & I threw together our own little costumes, and we went off to have a fun evening with the girls' cousin who was a cute little pumpkin. It was COLD and a bit rainy, but we had a great night! :)

Katrina wore a big, fluffy coat over her dress, and looked like a fancy eskimo. Talia had her winter coat on, too.

I saw my sister's photos & it looked a LOT warmer in Utah ;)
What kind of weather did you have where you are?

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~Heather Lynne