Take Better Photos With the Camera You Already Have- Tip #5: Focus & Zoom

Several months ago I gave a workshop on how to take better pictures with the camera you have. (You don't necessarily need to go out & buy a better camera to improve your photos!) I thought it would be something worth sharing here, so I'm going to share it in parts. Each Friday I'll share another part. If you have any photography-related questions that you'd like to see me answer, feel free to leave them in the comments
(or e-mail me). Perhaps I could do a post on a subject you're curious about.

Tip #5: Focus & Zoom

1. If your camera doesn’t decide the focus for you, you will generally want to focus on the subject’s eyes.

2. Get Close! Your photos don’t have to include your child’s whole body! You can get in closer- get a photo of their face, and you don’t have to stop there- don’t be afraid to cut off the top of their head, their ears, or their chin and get a REALLY close shot! Try getting detail shots- we love our kids’ chubby hands, cute bed head, and other details- go ahead and capture them so you can always remember them! Zoom in on their funny clothing choices, or their little legs in those cute rain boots. Ask yourself what is so cute about them in this moment and then focus on that part of them!

Take some time this week to pull out the camera while your kids are playing. Take a moment & ask yourself what part of them is most cute at that moment. Then zoom right in and try capturing it without the rest of the surrounding scene. See what details you can capture!

Share the photos you're taking with the tips in this series on Instagram, using the hashtag #RaisingMemories
You can find me on Instagram @RaisingMemories

Other Posts in the Series:

Tip #1: Using Your Flash
Tip #2: Natural Light
Tip #3: Be Aware of your Background
Tip #4: Perspective
Tip #5: Focus & Zoom
Tip #6: Rule of Thirds
Tip #7: No Cheese!

Each Friday I'll share another photography tip. If you have any photography-related questions that you'd like to see me answer, feel free to leave them in the comments- perhaps I could do a future post on a subject you're curious about.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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1 comment:

  1. That is a fantastic question to ask! What is cute at this moment. What exactly am I trying to capture?


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~Heather Lynne