Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat? (Book Review & Giveaway)

I'm reading this book right now:

When I heard that I could review it, I jumped at the chance because:
A. I like the colours on the cover ;)
B. It's a topic that I think all women can relate to
and C. the title is just funny, so I thought it would be entertaining :)

Alright, so you want to know a little about the book?

Here's a description straight from the back of the book:

Michelle Wilson’s humorous yet poignant insights help women examine the limitations we place on ourselves out of insecurity and self-doubt. We have faith in God, but do we know that He has faith in us? 
When we see ourselves with God’s eternal perspective, we can feel confident and whole—even in our imperfection. Just think what we might accomplish if we truly believe that we are more important than we know, stronger than we realize, and extraordinary in every way.
And here are some of my thoughts while reading it:

Well, it's got me thinking. I like that in a book.
It has me thinking about things that I often think about on my own, but I like the points the author brings up and how she leads me to think in different directions than I might on my own.

Michelle talks a lot about letting things go. (Sidenote: My kids are totally into the new Disney movie, Frozen, so I've been hearing a lot of belted out "Let it go! Let it go!" around my house, so every time I read "let it go" in Michelle's book, I had that song going through my head- I guess it helped cement the idea for me!) She writes about letting go of pity, a need for others' approval, fear, doubt, comparing ourselves to others, envy, guilt, & shame in order to become confident and get past insecurity.

I like when she talks about comparing ourselves to others and she says that doing that can make ourselves or our things look better or worse than we thought they were (but of course they haven't actually changed at all!)

When I read the part about envy, I wrote this in my notes: "envy ruins our attitude & our gratitude", and "Opposite of Envy = Charity". When we have charity we are glad when others prosper. We love, serve, and are happy for others. Our view of them is not tied to our view of ourselves.

This issue comes up in my mind a lot (and I assume I'm not the only one who deals with it). It's good to read this fun book (which is full of cute and thought provoking stories) that helps me to think through it all and put things back into perspective.


You can find Does this insecurity make me look fat? (as a paperback book or ebook) on Deseret Book's webpage. You can also find Michelle online at her website and blog.

You can also enter to win your own copy of the book over here and here.
(but hurry- there are only a couple of days left to enter!)

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  1. Thanks for the review Heather! I hope you enjoy the rest of the book. Part Two is my favorite :)

  2. Thanks for the review - I think I would really enjoy reading this :)


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~Heather Lynne