Baby Tori (Newborn Photography)

I know it seems like less than 2 weeks ago that I posted newborn photos of my new niece (because it was), but I'm back today with photos of my other newborn niece! (they were born just under 2 weeks apart). It has been so fun to be able to snuggle with each of my sisters' babies!

Photographing Amber's new baby, Victoria Rose, was a special experience for me because I did it alongside my photographer friend who has a bunch of special equipment (lights, etc.) to use for shoots like this. Now there is a nagging desire in the back of my mind for some new expensive equipment of my own! (maybe someday..)

Here are some of my photos from our session with little Tori:

I love this little munchkin! I can't wait to get back to snuggling her (next time, without my camera ;)

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~Heather Lynne