Catching Up :)

Well, I had my blog break and it's time to return.  By the time the month of February got going, it didn't even feel like a break because of all of the things I was doing!  My February was jam-packed and if I hadn't taken an official blog break, I probably wouldn't have been able to post much more than I did during the break!

This is the first week that has started out "normally" for me, although the rest of it won't be too normal, and next week is Spring Break for my kids, so that won't be normal either! :)

Before I took the blog break, I got a few posts ready though, so I will have some posts going up during their Spring Break even though I'll probably try to stay away from blogging while the girls are both home every day.

Here's our February summed up in Instagrams:

During February, we had Talia's baptism.  A couple of posts about that are coming, but here's a photo of our family on that day:

My sister, Hilary, had a baby on Valentines' Day!  (I was sick for a week before that & totally missed Valentines' Day while I tried to recover in bed)  Then I flew to Utah to see my new niece (and my other 2 nieces).

While I was there I visited with Ken's sister Tami and her kids- it was sooo nice to see them again!  
Here I am enjoying whatever time Daxon would let me hold him:

and with the whole group:

2 days after I got home, my other sister had her baby!  Below I am with the 3 Utah nieces (I'm wearing a pink shirt) and my new Canadian niece a few days later (I'm wearing a purple shirt).
I am loving all of this baby time! :)

I got a chance to do newborn photos with Alexis (Utah niece) while I was there and will be doing photos for Tori (Canadian niece) on Wednesday- I can't wait!  
And I'm looking forward to sharing those with you on the blog :)

I couldn't visit Utah without seeing my roommate of 2 years from our days at BYU Idaho.  
It was so nice to meet up with Bethany and spend a day in SLC together :)

...and now I'm back at home with my own little munchkins & looking forward to Spring Break in just 4 days!  We have NO plans- it totally snuck up on me!  Guess I better get thinking about that!

About to brush her teeth- for some reason this girl loves getting her teeth brushed by me
(I sit her on my lap while I sit on the toilet seat lid, and tip her back on one arm
while I brush with the other... she gets disappointed if Daddy is brushing her teeth!)  

Anyone else feeling like we are nowhere near Spring??

This is a photo of what our snow piles looked like before I left for Utah, and not much has changed!
We woke up to more yesterday morning!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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  1. Sounds like you had a mostly good break! Such a sweet family photo.
    My kids will do anything to have me NOT brush their teeth. I wish they would sit still like your sweet girl.

    1. It was! (the sick week was the main downside ;)
      Thanks for commenting, Cerise! :)

  2. It looks like you kept plenty busy last month, but at least you were keeping busy with family! That's exciting about Talia's baptism too -- such a special day! It's great having you back! (:

  3. Glad to hear you are back.. and what a whirlwind "break" you had! All those teenie babies!!! Squeeee!!!


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~Heather Lynne