Amazing Customer Appreciation! #ActsOfCaring

How nice is it to be appreciated? By anyone- even for something small! Simply speaking or writing the words "thank you" can go a long way in making a person feel happy. It's an important part of life that we begin teaching our children from the time they begin to speak! (I'm not sure when the encouragement will end, but I find myself encouraging my daughters to say thank you a lot.)

As a consumer, I think it's fabulous when brands put in a little extra effort to make sure that their customers know how much they are appreciated. Especially committed, long term customers! I've seen plenty of "first time customer" promotions (which are great, but they can leave the long term customers feeling left out if they're not being recognized in any way).

TELUS is going way above and beyond a simple "thank you". They recently gave a loyal customer, Ramona, a big surprise by saying thank you to her in person for being a fabulous customer for almost 20 years. They found out a bit about her and then planned a dream day for her! Check out the video!

[You can find the video here as well and you can subscribe to the TELUS YouTube Channel here]

Ramona's surprise was just the beginning of an even larger display of customer appreciation from TELUS!  As part of their Grand Gestures Campaign, the TELUS Care-a-Van team is rolling around town this week with a bunch of events and activities to specially thank TELUS local customers in the Guelph community!

They'll be performing everyday acts of caring all over the community and as part of this, they're donating $5 to the Guelph Children's Foundation for every use of the hashtag #ActsOfCaring !!

They'll also be going door to door to the homes of their top 100 customers to thank them personally with a care package. They're hosting a free BBQ lunch for their top 1000 customers and their families at the local TELUS store, and they'll be presenting a cheque to the Guelph Children's Foundation in response to all the uses of #ActsOfCaring

It is so great to see a company that cares about the communities where we live, work and play. Seeing them put customers first as a priority is fabulous!


Watching that video got me thinking about what I would do if I could do anything for one day. I think I would spend a relaxing morning at an amazing spa! (Something I have only had a taste of when I got a mani/pedi in Mexico.. I would love to do something like that again, and include a great massage!) Then spend time with family.. if only there were a Disney park nearby... ;) That's something I would love to do with my kids and hubby someday! :)

What would your dream day be like?

Disclosure: I am part of the TELUS Grand Gestures Campaign and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this campaign. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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~Heather Lynne