Homeless in 3 Weeks

We finally have a set moving date! We will be leaving our home in Utah in 3 weeks and heading back to Canada. Do we have a home when we get there? Not yet! ...and I'm really trying not to stress about that!

Here's a bit about our plans so far:

An Announcement...

Lest you see the photo at the top of this post and assume that I'm writing a throwback post about "that time we moved to Utah", I'll encourage you to look closely at the photo to see what has changed since I posted it in April 2018 (I did a little photoshopping). That's right, the arrow is pointing the other way! We're moving again, and this time we're leaving Utah and heading back to Ontario, Canada!

When I wrote about our move to Utah I said, "We don't know how long we'll be in Utah but I guess we're getting used to not being able to see too far into our future."