Fun Easter Traditions- What Are Yours? #KinderMom

So, we’re already nearly half way through March and I haven’t thought much about what I’m going to do with my kids for Easter! We are likely to do something we’ve done before, but I like to add in something new, too. My sister in law suggested making these and I do know we’ll decorate the eggs that Kinder sent us:

Last year our Easter Bunny left us glow-in-the-dark eggs in the backyard while we were getting ready for bed one night! It was so fun to go outside & hunt for the glowing eggs! (that bunny just stuck some glow bracelets inside of the eggs & taped them shut so they wouldn’t pop open)

I like to do as much as I can to teach my kids about the real meaning of Easter in fun ways. So that hopefully by the time Easter rolls around, they aren’t going to forget about it with all the fun of the Easter egg hunts they get to participate in! And I really appreciate how our Easter Bunny will often come on Saturday so that we can focus on the Saviour on Sunday.

That being said, one of my favourite parts of Easter really is watching my girls hunt for eggs- it’s so fun!

Do you have any Easter Traditions that you love?
I would love to hear about them in the comments!

Now, what would a post about Easter be without me letting you know about the great things going on with Kinder this month?! Kinder will be donating $1 to Children’s Miracle Network of Canada for every new friend of their Facebook Page from March 1st to 31st! So if you haven’t already joined their page, this is a great time to do so! Once you’re on their page you can check out their toy gallery and see what their Easter surprises look like- including the larger ones that come in the 100g eggs!

Disclosure: I’m part of the Kinder® Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. Our favorite tradition is decorating eggs for sure! I have never thought of glow-in-the-dark eggs before....what a fabulous idea!

  2. Our town holds an Easter egg hunt which the kids always love. I am just kind of sad that Easter is so early this year and winter is hanging on tight. It looks like there is still going to be snow on the ground:(

    Happy Easter!!

  3. Oh, I just looked at the egg/grass crafts. Those look really neat. My tots are so amazed by growing things that I bet it would be a hit!
    I loved the Kinder Easter Treats and actually ate the minieggs to myself during nap time the other day :)

    1. That's what I think, too! We recently planted a flower & watched it grow over the days, & they loved that!
      Haha, I am so with you- I've eaten most of our mini eggs, too ;)

  4. From Canada living in the USA . Love kinder eggs for my kids but they don't allow them across the border sad !
    Debra Clark


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~Heather Lynne