Week in Review & March Sharing Time 2013

Here's March's Sharing Time Linky & a review of this week on the blog!


At the start of the week, I shared an amusing conversation between the girls.

I posted about 40 Plastic Egg Fillers that are NOT candy.

I posted January's Project 365 Photos (they'll be going up monthly now instead of weekly).

I shared some of our Easter Traditions and asked you about yours.

AND I promised there would be a giveaway yesterday- and there was- but then I took it down. Don't worry- it will be back! It's coming probably on the 25th of this month, now. So, stay tuned! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting the fun party!
    I would love to have you over to my site on Saturdays for my linky party!
    Have a great week!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne