Monday Moments (Mouse in the House!)

Our first apartment was pretty awesome- it was an old factory turned into an apartment building, and it had super high ceilings, and really tall windows that were arched at the top- I loved it! It was our 2nd or 3rd winter there that we got mice. Oh my goodness, we got through it that year and then they reappeared the following winter. By the time we moved out of there I was so happy to say goodbye! It's a shame because it really was an awesome apartment, but my memories are marred by the mouse memories! ugh!

Well, last week, I was thoroughly unimpressed when I saw a MOUSE in my HOUSE! Oh man, you guys, I literally screamed and jumped up onto the couch! I really didn't want to have to deal with mice ever again!

At the time, I was home with just Katrina. She said to me, "Mom we should go to the mail building....
(in a sing song voice now) If something crazy happens what do you do-ooo? Go to the mail place!"

(We had just established a fire safety plan a couple of weeks before- and we determined that our meeting place if anything crazy like a fire ever happened, would be at our mail building.)

I told Ken about that later, and he told me what Talia had said in the car on their way home that day:

Talia: You should have asked Mommy if the mouse was running REALLY fast
Ken: Why?
Talia: Because maybe it has rabies!
Ken: *laughing* Oh, Talia.
Talia: What? I’m just trying to look out for my family

I'm happy to report that we caught the mouse that night and haven't seen any evidence of any others!
Talia woke up before we did that morning & saw the mouse in the trap- we awoke to this sign in our bedroom, made by Talia:

Those things that look like block letter Es are pieces of cheese

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1 comment:

  1. haha! I love Talia's note and her comments to Ken. You have taught your girls so well to look out for your family! You and Ken can now take a vacation. :)


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~Heather Lynne