Kids Creating in the Kitchen with Blendtec

This summer Katrina became very interested in creating her own treats. I don't mean baking cookies or putting some snacks in a bowl. I mean gathering ingredients and experimenting with putting them together to create something totally her own. She's been pretty successful, too!

Blendtec Designer 625 vs Designer 725

It all started when we replaced our blender. I loved that blender but it had to go, for safety reasons, after our smoke disaster. I was excited to replace it with the Blendtec Designer 725 blender because it has all of the great features my old one had, but with even more added on! (I'm going to share some of the additional features throughout this post, as I share Katrina's story).

We got our new blender shortly after moving to Utah and during those first few weeks as we settled into a new home in a new country, Katrina would often ask permission to make a smoothie in the blender. I always supervised at first, until I was confident in her understanding of how to use it properly, and then magic happened- my 9 year old could put together smoothies & she would make enough for everyone & serve them to us- sweet!

Comparing the Blendtec Designer 625 and 725

During the summer Katrina got more creative and the old smoothie recipes I had taught her weren't satisfying her creative needs so she started to make new things- from my personal favorite treat named the "S'more Mallow" to fruit purees and drinks, and even melting candy down into new forms to serve to her cousins!

When it comes to using berries I really like having a black lid this time because there were a couple of items (like blueberries and also carrots!) that would leave a bit of a stain on the white lid I had before. I also really like the metal die-cast finish on this blender. I loved the color of my Designer 625 too (which had a molded plastic finish) but our new kitchen has stainless steel appliances so the stainless/black color fit right in!

Blendtec features for Kids

When she decided to make a strawberry puree, I helped her because she was using a small amount of strawberries and I wasn't sure if the machine would spin too much without getting the berries. It turned out that the Designer 725 has a warning built right into it that tells you that you have a "CAVITATION" situation and that you can solve it by adding liquid. This was a perfect teaching situation for both of us!

Apparently this blender has "SmartBlend Technology" built into it and can also give warnings about loading errors, overheating, and air pockets. Just like the cavitation issue, it will then tell you how to fix the issue- I love that!
Blendtec Designer 725 More Presets

She ended up adding more liquid and a bit of powdered sugar to create a delicious drinkable puree-like treat! Thankfully there was just enough for her to share. ;)

You can also see from the photo above that there are 6 presets on the Designer 725 (Smoothie, Salsa, Frozen Treats, Whole Juice, Hot Soup, and Clean) as compared to the 4 presets that the Designer 625 has. This makes using the blender really easy for Katrina because the blender knows what to do based on the type of food she wants to make- all she has to do is choose the picture that fits what she's doing! 

I really like the "clean" preset on the 725. Even though you could easily clean the 625, you did have to stand there to press & hold the button. It may seem like a silly little thing, but I love that you can push the button & walk away to finish your other clean-up tasks while the blender cleans itself!  I also love that Katrina can easily do it on her own. It's one more reason I don't mind letting her make these messes- she can handle the clean-up on her own!

Blendtec Designer 725 Features We Love

It has been so fun to watch Katrina enjoy herself in the kitchen and experiment with creating her own little masterpieces! I'm so glad I didn't just tell her that the blender was for me to use- she has learned a lot and had such a blast! All of this experimentation led to her own plans for a kidpreneur business that she invited her cousins to join! I'll have to write about that in more detail another time.

Throughout the summer Katrina has brought her creations to several gatherings with cousins, counting to make sure she had enough for everyone, and invited them to come over and help her to create things. Whether she has friends and family to share with or not, though, she has always been able to find someone to share her creations with!

Helping Kids get Creative in the Kitchen

For a detailed comparison post about how we compared our Blendtec Designer 625 with our old blender and how the performance compared, check out this post: Will It Blend?!

Regular Blender vs Blendtec Designer 625 vs Blendtec Designer 725

Disclosure: I received product to facilitate this and other posts. All opinions and experiences shared are, as always, my own.

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  1. This sounds like a great blender! Nothing is worse than blending up something to find huge chunks of things still in there afteR!

    1. I agree! Before we got a Blendtec that happened all the time!! We could CHEW smoothies! haha

  2. I LOVE that she is only 9 years old (and absolutely adorable) and can make you smoothies! Sounds like the perfect family blender!

  3. I need one of these! I make smoothies all the time, but they're really more like chewies. They're still good, but they're not smooth.

    1. haha I know what you mean! We used to have chew-able smoothies too, before we got a blendtec!

  4. That is a great blender! I'm all for kids getting creative in the kitchen. It teaches them independence and a sense of pride.

    1. Yes and I've definitely seen a lot of that in her this summer!

  5. I have had my Blentec for 7 years and love it! We use it every single day and have only had to replace one piece.

    1. That's awesome! and it's nice to hear that it's lasted so well!

  6. That looks like an amazing blender. My daughters love to help out in the kitchen. I think it's great for all kids to learn to help in the kitchen.

    1. For sure- it gives them confidence & the skills they're going to need as they get older

  7. This sounds like a great blender! I can see my daughter making smoothies and other fun treats for her and her brother with it.

  8. My daughter loves getting in the kitchen! This blender looks like a great addition. We don't have a working one right now. I should probably do something about that! :)

    1. That's awesome :) Yes, if you're missing it, do look into your options- this one is in a higher price range than some but it's pretty amazing!

  9. Blending up some strawberry puree sure sounds tastier than seeing if you can blend an iPhone! :D

  10. I have a Blendtec as well and love it! Such a versatile and hard working machine.

    1. Yes, we're loving it. I look forward to trying making some new things with it too!

  11. Our Magic Bullet finally bit the dust and we need to replace it. I had never heard of Blendtec before. I will have to check it out.

    1. Definitely check it out- it's one of the best on the market!

  12. We just taught ours to use the blender too! Now they can make their own smoothies (and some for us)!

  13. so awesome that she is creating in the kitchen!

  14. A good blender is essential. My kids like to use ours to make smoothies

    1. It's so frustrating when your blender doesn't do a good job. We went through that for a long time and it has been SO nice not to have to deal with that!

  15. Toni | Boulder LocavoreAugust 29, 2018 at 12:21 AM

    That sounds awesome! Love that it's easy to operate!

  16. I love a good blender. I didn't realize how much it made a difference in how easily things are made.

  17. She looks so excited and proud of what she made! My oldest daughter is nine and always wants to be involved in the action in the kitchen too.

    1. :) She has been! She's been so proud of each of her creations & so excited to have everyone taste them!

  18. I need this blender. I love that it cleans itself. That is so neat.

    1. Me too- makes me use it more cuz I don't even have to think about the clean up!

  19. This blender looks amazing... and a SELF CLEAN mode?! Brilliant!

  20. I love this! Early kitchen skills are so important.

  21. Love that blender! I don't have one but my friend does and it really is the best. I need to get one of my own. Sarah - Must Have Mom

  22. Very interesting details you have noted, appreciate it for posting.

  23. That blender sounds amazing!!!! going on my xmas list :D

  24. We have a blend tec, a different model than yours. Love how it can really blend things up, just wish it wasn't so loud. However, how easy it is to use is what makes it so awesome and our girls love to use it too.

  25. I love that she actually wants to do it - I really need to give my daughter some space and let her be more adventures in kitchen related stuff

    1. Me too! haha :) I'm glad I stepped back & let her do it- I think it's been really good for her!

  26. My girls love to help me cook and bake. I have some friends who have Blendtec's and they love them!

  27. My kids love to use our mini blender that we have. Its an easy task for them to do and they find it so much fun to make different creations.

  28. Love this! My 10 year old loves experimenting in the kitchen too and smoothies are a favorite.

  29. Teaching them early prepares them for life. She is so cute and seems so proud of her accomplishment. Love his blender, it seems so easy to use.

  30. Amazing! My son loves smoothies and helps when he can - he is only 3 - but he also loves watching people make smoothies on youtube (odd I know) I should check out this blender since our current one was a wedding present to my parents and the handed it down to me, might be time to invest in a new one!!

  31. My granddaughter ivists every other weekend and we spend many hours in the kitchen!

  32. I have always dreamed of owning a Blendtec! My current blender leaves huge chunks behind on the bottom which is really annoying. I'm going to start leaving hints to get this for xmas...hubby take note!

  33. That blender sounds amazing!

  34. What a smart - and lucky! - girl. I wish I had a Belndtec!


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~Heather Lynne