Photography Tip (Where's Your Light?)

Photography Tip (Where's Your Light?)

Here's a quick little photography tip for those of you who are point-and-shooters.

Know where your light is! This is important for photographers of all stages, but if you just want a simple way to become more aware, just pay attention to where the window light is coming into the room you're in.

Talia demonstrated this for you, with two pictures of me in the kitchen in about the same spot- in the one on the left, the window is behind me, and in the one on the right, the window is infront of me.

She was using our Point & Shoot camera for both photos, on automatic. Big diffence between how well lit the two shots are, and it wasn't hard for us to move a little!

If you aren't already aware of where the light is, try to be & watch for the difference!


  1. I love that you're doing this- I hope you'll do more!

  2. I love that you're doing this- I hope you'll do more!

  3. that makes total sense! thanks for this!


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~Heather Lynne

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