So far, you can find Heather Lynne Photography in the following places:
HLP website:
HLP blog:
A Note: If you haven't already gotten an RSS Feed Reader, you should look into it! Especially if you're checking multiple blogs for updates! I currently use Google Reader and I really like it! It's kind of like checking email, but it checks for blog updates :) (That way you don't have to visit each blog individually to look for new blog entries- it's a definite time saver!) It's free and it's as easy to set yourself up with as signing up for an email address.
HLP Facebook Fanpage:
At this point, I haven't really gotten into Twitter- I already have enough things online to take up my time!
Are there any of you reading this who use Twitter? Do you love it? I'm curious to know what others think of it! If you've got a minute, leave a comment & let me know your thoughts on Twitter!
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~Heather Lynne