In The Beginning...

In The Beginning...

Over the past year or two, I have found myself longing to simplify my life. I've worked on "purging" my home of the unnecessary clutter that so easily seems to occupy it (& I continue in my quest to purge, organize, and simplify our home- I don't think the process will ever end). I've thought long and hard about what is most important to me, which things are priorities, and which things need to be eliminated from my life. There are far too many good things for me to fit into each day, week, year, or lifetime! So, I have felt the need to focus on the most important things and eliminate the rest. It's a process and I'm still working on it.

One of the things that is most important to me, of course, is being a mother! I frequently think to myself that I ought to be doing more things with my preschooler to teach her and exercise her creativity. This is becoming a strong focus for me right now, and in my efforts to remain committed to planning new and exciting activities for us, I've decided to create this blog. I may also share some things I'm doing with my other daughter who is currently 9 months old.

Its purpose will be to share what we're doing, to get ideas out there for others who are in the same position as I am, but also just to keep me going- if I need content for the blog, then it will be one more motivating force in keeping me committed to doing this!

I hope you will share your thoughts, ideas, and resources with me as I will mine with you. And leave comments so that I know you're reading! :)

Note: Photo credit for the photo of myself in the "meet the blogger" section, goes to Amanda at Living Proof Photography

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~Heather Lynne

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