September 2017 Sharing Time

September 2017 Sharing Time

Welcome to the September Link Party!

Current Giveaway:

I shared a recipe and a $75 Giveaway this week- it's still open, so don't miss your chance to enter!

Recent Posts: 

This month's posts have mostly been focused on our trip across Eastern Canada!

From Quebec City...

...and exploring Charlottetown PEI...,

...and the beautiful Cavendish area of PEI...

...and on to Nova Scotia... was a wonderful trip and I'm not quite finished telling you all about it, so stay tuned!!

Now, on to the September link party!  I love to see what fun things you've been up to!

Thanks for visiting my blog!
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  1. Your vacation makes me wish I was still in Michigan!! It's also weird seeing Ontario without Michigan on the other side of the lakes, lol. I'm glad that you guys had such a wonderful summer! I hope that you have a great school year too. 😊

  2. I'd love to go lobster fishing - hoping I get to eat the catch. :-)

  3. I'm loving your posts across Eastern Canada, so can't wait to read more!

  4. It looks like you all had an awesome summer and the east coast looks amazingly beautiful

  5. Lots of stuff to read here, thanks for sharing!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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