Tutorial Tuesday (Green Treat with Treasure Inside!)

Tutorial Tuesday (Green Treat with Treasure Inside!)

I'm posting at HowDoesShe today about something green & delicious that had Katrina smiling:

There's a surprise inside:

Maybe you'll like it, too :)
Click Here for the Tutorial!

Are you prepping for St. Patrick's Day?
What are some of your favourite green traditions???


  1. You can tell she loves it!! I'm still not sure what I'll be doing with the kids on St. Patty's day, maybe a game I saw on someone's blog and some green cupcakes? I love this idea though! My kids would think it was fun :)

    I'm a new follower! Found you featured on Heather's blog Notes from the Nelsens! Please feel free to stop by my blog and check it out if you like :)


    1. Coloured cupcakes are always a hit around here! (They are usually pink though ;) haha

      Thanks for following, I will stop by for sure!
      ~Heather :)

  2. That's really fun. We'll probably have corn beef and hash at my house with green cupcakes topped with lucky charms for the kiddos. :o)

    1. Love the idea of green cupcakes with Lucky Charms. My kids LOVE LUcky Charms!! :)

  3. Hi Heather!

    Looks like she is really enjoying that green treat. I'd love to make that for my boys..What is it? Thanks for the blog, love the ideas!!

  4. So I am a blond and missed the part about having to check howdoesshe...duh!! lol anyway I still LOVE your blog

    1. Thanks for letting me know- I put another link in the post so that it will be more clear :)

  5. I've never seen this recipe before but the ingredients and the smile on your daughters face tells me it's yummy


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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