Monday Moments #6

Monday Moments #6

Some days seem insignificant when I review them. Sometimes, at the end of the day, I can't even recall what I did in the morning. But even these typical days when I have no car and see Ken for only a couple of hours at night, are filled with magical Mommy moments:

Katrina's big smile, her joy when I put a few Cheerios in a bowl for her, her squeal & laughter when Talia chases and plays with her, the knowing smile she gives me when I catch her eye, Talia's funny and creative ideas, her snuggles, and how she always wants me to sing to her, let her paint my nails, or do messy art with her.

How I love these girls, how I love these days, and how grateful I am for the stories and the words that I've seen and heard that remind me to treasure and soak up these times- that they will not last as long as it seems they will and that there is no guarantee on life or anything about it.

How I love my girls, and how I love these days, and how much happier I am when I remember to treasure them and be present in the moment.


Talia (with shining eyes & a big smile, while eating a pink chocolate heart:
Mom, what if I had pink poo!"

1 comment:

  1. Oh Talia it happens, I would know. It happens when you become addicted to chewing and swallowing pink gum. It also happens to get you in trouble with those who love you and are concerned you eat too much gum!


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~Heather Lynne

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