Blogging Tips (Post-Dating Your Blog Entries)

Blogging Tips (Post-Dating Your Blog Entries)

Uh oh. Today's the 28th.

The problem with the 28th is that I have started 3 different posts (not counting this one) for this day & all of them are marked as drafts because for whatever reason, I deemed them unready for publishing.

There, my secret is out. I already told Jenn about it, I may as well tell you all. You've noticed I'm pretty good at updating the blog lately? That there's a new post every day? That in your feed reader, there's a lovely new specimen waiting for you, from me, each morning? That, my friends, is not because I am a super-motivated-super-organized-mega-mom. Do not be fooled. That is thanks to a nifty little feature from blogger called post-dating.

Actually I don't know what it's called. But when you're typing out your entry, there's a little link at the bottom, to the left, called "Post Options" and when you click on it, you see the "Post date and time" to the bottom, right of your entry. You'll notice that it is alterable* (is that a word?). It's great- you just tell Blogger when you would like your blog entry to appear and, like your own litte fairy blogmother, it dutifully makes it happen!

Something you should know before "trying this at home" is that you will need to make sure that your Timezone is correct in your Blogger Settings or you will be pretty frustrated, wondering why your Fairy Blogmother is defective. To do this, click on the Settings Tab, then Formatting, and scroll down to Time Zone. Save your settings & you're good to go.

*Alterable is a word (I checked)


  1. I love post dating blog options. I normally have a week's worth of blogging done on Sunday (except for the weeks where something new comes up the should be address more immediately). Thanks for sharing the magic so others can do the same.

  2. LOL!
    Thats my secret too! I usually spend a night writing up posts, uploading pictures and then Im set for the week. Unless something comes up and I want to post it then I add another post. But funny that we all discovered that!

  3. P.S I hope you dont mind but I linked you on my blog to share the secret to other bloggers as well because you did a much better job at explaining it than I ever could

  4. Sarah, I don't mind at all! :)
    Thanks for sharing my blog!

  5. Stopping by from "A Day in the Life of Rhonda". My friend told me about this and I have yet to do this. What a great idea! I get those post ideas in my head and then lose them so often. I think I may have to do this! :) Glad to have found your blog!

  6. I had no idea why my posts didn't post when they were supposed to. TIME ZONE!!!! Thanks for the tip!

  7. Have been having a go at placing two photos side by side. I got as far as stage 4 but was unsure where to paste the copied text to and in the meantime the photo I was working on filled the screen. As soon as I clicked X to get rid of it, it closed the whole blog down and I had to start all over again.
    On my second go, I just entered the HTML code and uploaded the pics as usual, then when I previewed the blog, it had the photos side by side anyway. I haven't therefore done stage 4 onwards this time. Pleased with result, anyway many thanks and do keep giving us tips.

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  9. Hello! I used many of your tips this week! They were spot on and made my blogging experience so much easier! Thanks so much for sharing them! It is greatly appreciated! Kerri

  10. I guess that I am not as "fancy pants" as I thought. When I view my posting the pics are side by side but when I post they post one on top of each other. Any tips? Thanks! Kerri

  11. Hi Kerri, Thanks so much for letting me know that you found my tips helpful! You didn't do anything wrong- this is happening because there's not enough room in your blog layout (due to having more than one column, and the column with your blog post is too "skinny" to fit both photos)

  12. Do you mind if I ask you how to change that? Sorry....I am a pain:-( If you do not have time....NO WORRIES!! :-)Kerri

  13. Do you mind if I ask you how to change that? Sorry....I am a pain:-( If you do not have time....NO WORRIES!! :-)Kerri

  14. Kerri, I would totally tell you if I knew! :) haha I'm not sure how- but I'm sure it has to do with altering the html of your layout in blogger, but I can't tell you exactly where to look to find out. You can probably google how to change the column width in your blogger layout & see what you come up with. Sorry I'm not more help with this one!

  15. Oh no worries! I tried to play around with it, but I am not ready to part with my pretty color coordinated border! Haha! I will google it! Thanks for allowing me to pick your brain! Kerri

  16. I am so glad I am not the only one post-dating my blogs. Most of the time I was just out of words to get me going in my blog, and there were times when the idea just kept going even if I was already sleeping. Now I felt so much better :) Thanks!!


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~Heather Lynne

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