Meet Some New Bloggers!

Meet Some New Bloggers!

Happy Monday!

Today I'm guest-hosting a blog hop that's all about meeting and finding new bloggers!
I hope you'll meet some new bloggers & find some fun blogs if you participate!


Welcome to the I Love My Online Friends 'GFC' HopLast week we had 102 link ups. Let's see if we can break that record and go for 110!! For more info on the hop and guest hosting, please read HERE.
Well, are you ready? Let's go hopping!

1. Please follow your host and the fab five on Google Friend Connect (GFC). The fab five are your guest hosts this week.

Tami @ The Things We Find Inside
Julie @ The Naptime Review
Heather @ Raising Memories
Nicholl @ The Chiffon Diary
Tori @ Lil' Mrs. Tori
Ms. Morgan @ Ms. Morgan's Reality Check
2. Link up your homepage and start hopping around. Remember, this is a blog hop, you've gotta do some hopping in order for it to truly be worth your time. When you get a new follower it's always nice to return the favour. Visit their blogs, leave them a comment and/or return the follow.
3. You are not required to, but it would be great if you could tweet about the hop and/or grab the button and share it on your blog. The more people that see this hop, the more blogs for us to visit and the more followers we gain.

Thanks and Happy Hopping!
The Things We Find Inside


  1. New follower from the hop! Love the purple. :)

  2. New follower from the hop :) Have a great week!

  3. I'm a new follower. Thank you for guest hosting. :)
    Happy Monday!

  4. Found you through the link up.. new follower! Have a great week!

  5. Thanks for co-hosting! Stopping by from the I Love My Online Friends blog hop! Happy to be following along! Would love for you to stop by and visit!

  6. New follower from the hop! Have a great week!

  7. Just joined the link up! I'm coming over from Nicholl's blog, so howdy ;)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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