

In December, Katrina had her ballet recital. She has been taking ballet classes at a local community centre every week during the Fall and for their last class they invited parents and grandparents to come and watch them do their warm up and a couple of dances they had learned. I absolutely LOVED it! :) Katrina has always loved dancing and was so happy to be able to be in a ballet class. She loves to dance around freely at home and always adds graceful little flourishes. I think it's adorable and I'm sure I was beaming for the whole class. ;)

These two photos in front of the Christmas tree were taken right before we left our house that day. Not sure why we didn't think to have her put her ballet slippers on for the photo, but I love how serious she is about what she's doing! :)

These photos are from the recital.  I love the joy on her face in the photo of her stretching.  At the end of the recital, the teachers called each girl up individually to receive some flowers.  Katrina skipped away so happily after receiving hers that she whipped her flowers around and a stem snapped.  Ken's mom took the photo of me showing her that she could still hold them like a bouquet and they would look nice.  Turns out that wasn't the best solution though, because Poppy (what the grandkids call Ken's Dad) offered to take her over and ask for a new flower.  The photo on the side is of her, happy with her unbroken new flowers :)

I sure love being the mother to these little girls! :)

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  1. Great photos!

    My 2 yr old has taken quite the interest in Ballet from a couple of scenes on t.v. Her expression as she tries twirling around the room is really priceless...

  2. My Daughter tried a little dance class when she was 4- it was only 8 weeks long but it was long enough for her to fall in love with it. I was reluctant to sign her up for a 10 month program this year (she is now 5). In hind sight I think she would have been fine. I am going to sign her up for sure for Sept. She can't wait.

  3. My Daughter is going to try a Ballet class next year. I can't wait to see her dance.


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~Heather Lynne

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