Monday Moments #8

Monday Moments #8

Talia: Where is the chocolate that I got from Herod?

Me: From who?

Talia: From Herod.

Ken: From Spencer?

Talia: No, not that one- the one I got from Herod!

(Ken & I look at each other with confused expressions & then Ken figures it out)

Ken: Talia, his name is Jared.


Me, while cooking, having lost sight of the girls: Talia, are you with Katrina?

Talia: Yes. She's in the bathroom.

(and then, triumphantly) But she's NOT eating the toilet water.

Okay, then...
Katrina has started blowing on her food. It's hilarious because she tends to whistle when she does it! :)


  1. What a sweet little girls you have.
    I love the little pigtails.

    Thank you for coming by

  2. AWWWWW I love the pigtails! What a cutie! And I can't get enough of the Talia quotes. lol

  3. your little girls are such cutie pies!! thanks so much for stopping by my blog to wish me a happy SITS day. it is much appreciated!

  4. your little girls are such cutie pies!! thanks so much for stopping by my blog to wish me a happy SITS day. it is much appreciated!

  5. So sweet! Love convos with kids!

  6. Sooo cute! While babysitting, talia would refer to Jared as the beast. :)


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~Heather Lynne

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