Modesty is Always In Style

Modesty is Always In Style

For Talia's birthday she received several dolls that were dressed in rather short skirts from friends at her party.

It's important to Ken & I that we teach our girls the value of modesty.

After thinking about the "immodest" dolls that she had received, I decided that I wasn't comfortable with ignoring the standards we have set- even for dolls. I didn't want to take her new gifts away, so I decided to talk to her again about modesty.

I set the new dolls out on the table, I asked her what modesty was (and she surprised me with how well she already had it down). Then I asked her about each doll- "is she dressed modestly?" "What is immodest about her outfit?"

Next I got out all of my fabric scraps & together we chose fabric to go with each "immodest" doll's outfit. Then I got sewing. Here's one example:

I want to give the girl some sleeves, but I'm not sure how to pull it off on such a small doll (and with my limited sewing skills).. anyone have any suggestions???

I'm really happy with how this went- now when she plays with the dolls, she won't be getting the subtle message that the way we dress isn't that big of a deal. Instead, she'll be reminded of the importance we place on dressing modestly. I feel so much better about those dolls now!

abc button Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. Heather, I LOVE this idea! I'm going to have to remember this as Maddie gets more into dolls and Barbies!

  2. What a great idea! We're not at that point yet with our little girl, but I'm definitely remembering this for the very near future when she starts liking Barbie dolls.

  3. That is very wise of you, I think. So many young girls dress immodestly. Especially in the summer. Yikes! I don't want to see that, thank you very much. Thank you for being a great parent. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  4. Now if you could only scrub off that makeup and teach her that you don't need face paint to look beautiful :) Another issue for another day :)

  5. Good idea! I'm not sure how you could do sleeves but you could surely make a little "shrug," sweater or shawl to go over those bare arms. :)

  6. So true, Tami!

    @MamaGames, I think that's what I'll try to do- I'm trying to figure out the best plan of attack still ;)

  7. I LOVE this idea! Such a perfect way to teach and demonstrate modesty at a young age.

  8. Modest is hottest!
    That is hilarious and a great idea!

  9. An idea for sleeves would be to take a ribbon, ruffle it up, and attach to existing straps, or if there is none, create straps.

  10. okay I LOVE this idea! I don't have kids (hopefully one day! :) but I do get quite upset with a lot of what I see for toys now a days. I am going to feature this for handmade tuesdays so go grab a button! (I probably won't have the post up until tonight though :) Thanks for linking up!

  11. that is awesome and such a good way to teach your daughter. Maybe just take a strip of fabric and make it into like a scraf for her to wear around her shoulders.

  12. This is fabulous! Our little girl is only 8 months, but I've been dreading the day people start giving her Barbies and such for presents for this very reason. Now I have an easy, do-able, brilliant solution! Thank you.

    1. Thanks Krystal! & thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! :)

  13. What a great idea! We, too, teach our girls about modesty. I like how practical you made the application by using the dolls as an example.

  14. Awesome! Modest is Hottest : )

  15. This is such a great idea. Seems so easy, but I wouldn't have thought of it myself--I'm so glad you posted it!

  16. I just randomly came across your blog! What a great solution! My daughter is only 1 so we don't really have any dolls yet, but I'm excited to follow your example! Thanks!

    1. Thanks Haylee! :) I'm still trying to figure out how to give them sleeves :/

  17. Just came across your blog. I'm so excited to see moms concerned about modesty. Thank you for taking this teachable moment to reinforce your values to your young daughter.


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~Heather Lynne

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