Easy Colorful Crunchy Candy Cake (a.k.a. the Kit Kat Cake :)

Easy Colorful Crunchy Candy Cake (a.k.a. the Kit Kat Cake :)

This post was originally published at www.sugaranddots.com as a guest post.
I thought it was time to share it with my readers here! :)

I made a Kit Kat Candy Cake for a cake auction. This baby went for over $100!

You may have seen this idea before (I traced it back to this post). I loved the idea and decided to make a few alterations- making it really easy to make, and even more colorful and crunchy!

You'll need:

- a box of Oreos
- a 4-pack of Smarties (or if you're not in Canada, you may need to use M&Ms)
- one white cake mix
- one jar of frosting
- a bunch of Kit Kat bars (# will depend on size of your cake pan!)
- food coloring (not pictured)
- ribbon (not pictured)
Start by putting your Kit Kats in the fridge.
Then make your cake- be sure to use a white cake mix, and only egg whites if you want your cake color to be really good!  (add food coloring in the color of you choice to get a colorful cake surprise when you are ready to cut your cake!)  If you want to have even more fun, divide your cake mix into two and make your 2 layers different colors :)
After you've baked your 2 round cake layers, cut off the top of each layer (to make it nice & flat) and frost your first layer like this:

Here's where the crunch comes in :)  Put some of your Smarties (or M&Ms) in a sandwich baggie & smash them.  Sprinkle them on top of your first layer of cake like so:
Then place your 2nd layer of cake on top, hiding that crunchy surprise inside.
Frost the rest of your cake.
Surround your cake with Kit Kats!  (break them into sets of two).  You'll find that having put them in the fridge you'll have an easier time handling them  because your fingers won't leave finger prints or melt the chocolate like they would if you hadn't!
Once you've surrounded the cake with Kit Kats, you'll tie a ribbon around it (super cute and keeps the Kit Kats from falling over :)
Then you'll get your Oreos, crush them into chunks, and the rest of your Smarties (or M&Ms) and pile them on top of the cake!Doesn't that look delicious? My mouth is watering... :)


  1. What a cute cake! Is it difficult to slice?

  2. What a cute cake! Is it difficult to slice?

    1. Hi Amr, I don't remember having any problems slicing through it!

  3. I need to make this for my husband, he loves kit kats.

  4. This looks so easy and yummy!!! Must make :)

  5. THIS is my kind of cake!

  6. Ive always wanted to know how to make one of these, thank you for posting step by step pictures :) !


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~Heather Lynne

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