First, our week in review:
This week I shared a recipe for Play Dough Cookies (and yes, you can bake them, and eat them! :).

..and thank you SO MUCH to everyone who voted for my blog in the MiB Canadian Blog Awards!
My blog made it to the top 10 Finalists in both categories that it was nominated in!
(more about that here)

My blog made it to the top 10 Finalists in both categories that it was nominated in!
(more about that here)
Now, on to the link party- I can't wait to see what you share! :)

Please join the Raising Memories Sharing Time & add a link to your latest and greatest blog posts
about activities to do with your children or fun projects that you have done!
If you're participating, please share the button on your blog & "hop over" to at least one other blog post that's been linked up- let's support each other!