One of my favourite holiday treats to make are holly wreaths!
They make me think of Christmas as a child :)
They make me think of my Mom :)
Are you busy making holiday treats & meals right now?

You can find a tutorial on how to make them here.
As a Lysol Healthy Families Ambassador, I was recently able to review some tips from the Hygiene Council, about food preparation and clean up.
Here are some Food Preparation Tips that stood out to me:
Foot-operated bins are more hygienic because they reduce the risk of hands picking up germs touching the bin lid.
(Feeling glad that I replaced our garbage can that had a faulty pedal ;)
o Your
kitchen sink contains 100,000 times more germs than a bathroom or lavatory.
(Eek! That makes me want to clean the sink more often, for sure!)
o 9 of 10
kitchen cloths have unsatisfactory or worse levels of bacteria.
(I hate gross kitchen cloths! I'm forever washing mine, and figure better safe than sorry, and better to wash them excessively than not enough!)
Let's all have a happy, delicious, and healthy holiday! :)
Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.