Take Better Photos With the Camera You Already Have- Tip #6: Rule of Thirds

Take Better Photos With the Camera You Already Have- Tip #6: Rule of Thirds

Pssst... while we're on the subject of photography... don't miss the Jo Totes Camera Bag giveaway going on right here! ... now back to the post:

Several months ago I gave a workshop on how to take better pictures with the camera you have. (You don't necessarily need to go out & buy a better camera to improve your photos!) I thought it would be something worth sharing here, so I'm going to share it in parts. Each Friday I'll share another part. If you have any photography-related questions that you'd like to see me answer, feel free to leave them in the comments
(or e-mail me). Perhaps I could do a post on a subject you're curious about.

Tip #6: Rule of Thirds

1. Draw an imaginary tic-tac-toe grid over your photo. Compose your photo so that the interesting part of the photo is at one of the intersections of the grid. This makes for a more interesting photo visually.

When you look at this photo, what is your eye drawn to first?

Hopefully it's Katrina's eye ;) That was the goal. See how her eye lines right up at the intersection of the grid?

Try taking some off-center photos this week & see what you think!

Share the photos you're taking with the tips in this series on Instagram, using the hashtag #RaisingMemories
You can find me on Instagram @RaisingMemories

Other Posts in the Series:

Tip #1: Using Your Flash
Tip #2: Natural Light
Tip #3: Be Aware of your Background
Tip #4: Perspective
Tip #5: Focus & Zoom
Tip #6: Rule of Thirds
Tip #7: No Cheese!

Each Friday I'll share another photography tip. If you have any photography-related questions that you'd like to see me answer, feel free to leave them in the comments- perhaps I could do a future post on a subject you're curious about.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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  1. Thanks Lisa, I'm so glad you're finding them helpful! :)

  2. You got her eye BANG on that intersection - did you just do that by eye or do you have a setting on your camera? Thanks again for a fantastic tip!!!

    1. No, I don't use a setting, but sometimes I crop it later, if I didn't quite get it in the original shot and want to frame it differently. (not sure if I did that with this photo!)

  3. Thanks for sharing this task. It is very helpful .


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~Heather Lynne

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