June 2015 Sharing Time - Week 3

June 2015 Sharing Time - Week 3

Welcome to June's Sharing Time Linky!

Don't miss this week's round-up of over 25 Snacks & Treats for Summer Break-

There are some great ones on there & the post is featuring many of you who linked up to the Sharing Time Link Party last month!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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  1. Thanks for the linkup! This is my first time joining and you're on my list to check every week now. :) It gave me an error and said it can't find a back link; I did add your button to the post (feel free to check), so I don't know why it doesn't see it. Let me know if I need to do something else - happy to fix it! Thanks again and have a blessed weekend!

    1. I apologize Dalynn! There was an error with the link party when I first posted it, that was requiring backlinks. That is not something I usually require on the link party because there seem to be problems with it. I hope your link has gone through- I had to go through & manually approve all of the links from before I caught the problem!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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