Monday Moments #16

Monday Moments #16

My mom & sister slept over a few days ago while Ken was out of town.

In the morning, my sister, Amber, said:
I don't feel like showering, but I don't want to look like a gremlin.

Then Talia asked what a gremlin was.
Amber: It's kind of a creepy little guy...
It's not that creepy- it's about this tall, it's furry and it has pointy little ears.

Talia: That's a Shifu!

Amber: What's a Shee-Poo?
:) Have you seen Kung Fu Panda?

Judge for yourself...

1 comment:

  1. LOL that is hilarious! And true--- they do look alike! Clever Talia :)


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~Heather Lynne

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