Mothers & Daughters (Frieda & Emma)

Mothers & Daughters (Frieda & Emma)

I love photography. I've been taking kind of a break from doing photo sessions for probably a couple of years now. I occasionally do a session for someone (last year I did 2 engagement sessions- for my brother, and for my sister) and next week I'll be doing a family session for my sister. But mostly, I lay low. I expect to get back into things when both of my girls are in school. Still, there are times when I feel the desire to do something with photography, creatively.

This month I decided to do a Mothers & Daughters photography project. I sent out an email to gather some interested women and spent a morning shooting photos of 5 different moms and 9 daughters.

As I work my way through them, I'm going to post a few photos on the blog of each mother & daughter.

Here are Frieda & her daughter Emma:

I was thinking about linking to the photos I took of Emma when she was a newborn, but realized I had never posted them on the blog. Here is the "Parts Poster" that I made from that session:

(they grow SO FAST!)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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