How to Surprise Someone With a Trip :)

How to Surprise Someone With a Trip :)

Last June, we surprised our girls with a trip to Storybook Gardens. We had seen plenty of Surprise Disney Trip Ideas online and although we weren't doing something quite so major, we wanted to give them a surprise trip!

(Don't miss the video at the end of this post!)

Surprise Trip Planning by

The Night Before

Ken & I had everything we needed ready to go the night before- lunches, picnic blanket, sunscreen, swimsuits, etc.  We had everything in the trunk of the car the night before (lunches in the fridge- we got those in the trunk when they weren't looking in the morning).

The Morning of the Trip

We were planning to go on a school day, so we let the school know they wouldn't be there and we "accidentally on purpose" missed Talia's bus that day. We told the girls we would have to drive Talia to school, so they hopped in the car with her backpack ready to go. We set up our portable DVD players and told them we wanted to test them out for another road trip we would be taking- they were happy to watch a Disney Movie while we embarked on a rather lengthy car ride.

We were hoping the movie would distract Talia enough that she wouldn't notice when we took some 'wrong' turns. We were also hoping that she would take longer to notice that we were taking too long to get to school. It TOTALLY WORKED! They were distracted for over an hour of driving & didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until we arrived at the park!
The Surprise!

We videotaped their reaction- it was great :)

This was so fun to do and the girls will probably never forget it!

It was fun to watch this video again and remember what it was like to have sunshine and warm weather ;)
I can't wait 'til June comes around again! Maybe we'll plan another surprise trip when it gets warmer out :)

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh--I love their reactions! My parents did this for my sister and I a few times when we were headed to Disney World; we flipped out when we figured out where we were going! I am so excited about doing something like this for my daughter when she gets a little bigger.

    Also, I'm one of your SITS tribe members. So excited to meet you!


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~Heather Lynne

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