When I decide to do something, I like to try to do the best that I can with it - I want to fiure out how to improve and do better. As far as the blog goes, I have seen a few articles online that list things you should do if you want to "grow" your blog. I read these and subconciously begin to make to-do lists in my head. Before I know it, I feel this pressure from the weight of responsibility I feel for this blog- for nourishing it and building it and helping it to grow.
I took a step back and thought about all of the areas of my life that demand my time and attention (beyond just blogging) and it is clear that I cannot do all of the things I want to do- there is not enough time. I can only choose a few things to do and do well. If I do not choose, some important things will be pushed out of the way and suffer.
When I started this blog, it was with my children in mind. They are my focus. I have to be careful not to allow the "raising" of the blog to take time away from the raising of my children (which is the reason for the blog in the first place). To help myself to keep things in perspective, I made a goal for January (to be reviewed at the end of the month and adjusted as needed).

I'm limiting the time I'll be spending working on the blog and blog-related things. If my time is up, I'll stop working for the day. I'm interested to see how this goes. I don't keep close track of the time I'm spending working on the blog, so I don't know how much of a change this will be. But I'm glad that I will become aware of the time spent, and that I will be sure to have more time to spend on other important things.
Are you a blogger? Did you set any New Year Resolutions for your blog?
If you're not a blogger, what are some of your resolutions?
I still need to spend some time thinking and talking with Ken about other changes to make in my/our lives this year, and I look forward to it. I'd love to hear what some of you are planning :)

I feel EXACTLY the same way some times. My kids are only little for so long, and when I hear one say "mom is on the computer again" it breaks my heart a little bit. It used to be I was able to cram my blogging in when they were in bed, but now with a new infant, it is just isn't possible. And all the social networking.. yadda yadda. There will never be enough hours in the day to be the 'perfect blogger' who follows all the tips and tricks.
ReplyDeleteI wish you the best with your new "work-life" balance goals. Since, at least to me, blogging makes me a work at home mom.. and some days I it is hard to say 'no' to the boss!
AMEN! :)
DeleteIt's nice to know that someone is in exactly the same boat! :)
Last year I made a conscious decision to wake up at 5am each day, and do the majority of my online work (and fun) before the rest of my family were awake. It was a huge adjustment, but well worth it. I get on the computer in the afternoon for an hour or so while my daughter reads - but the majority of the day I am focused on her, and when my husband comes home my attention is not divided. There are always exceptions when I have a sponsored post that needs to go up at a certain time, or need to participate in a twitter party or other online event, but for the most part I have been able to keep up with my online goals without sacrificing time with my family.
ReplyDeleteI would love to do something like this. I do not do well on too little sleep though, so I would have to get to bed pretty early to make this work. ;) I may have to give it a try with some good bedtime planning though! Thanks for taking time to comment, Tracie :)
DeleteI just started blogging August 2013 and mommying January 2013. Definitely an easy trap to fall into! Especially with my iPhone always nearby. Found you on #sitsshare and now following :)
ReplyDeleteLindsay @weddingringstoteethingrings.blogspot.com
For sure! It makes me sad when I see moms out in public with their kids and they're staring at their phones. (One reason I'm okay with not having a phone yet! ;) It can just suck you in so easily! I have to make sure I don't use my ipod touch the same way when I'm at home. I think being aware of these things is the first step in getting control over them and keeping things balanced!
DeleteI'm the same way. There was a while there where I went a week and I realized I was so busy on the computer that I hadn't done really anything with the kids. So after that I made the rule, no computer til naptime or bedtime.
ReplyDeleteGreat rule! I think we all struggle at times with keeping things in balance- with blogging & everything else! Thanks for taking the time to comment & share your experience!
Interesting post. This is one of the reason my blog growth is slow...I tend to put my phone away and only work when kids have rest time or bedtime. Plus I work, workout and have to keep up with my research for work. Please post a follow up in a month and let us know how this works!
And we have to remind ourselves that it's ok if our blogs don't grow as quickly as we want, because when it comes down to it, it is WAY more important that our children thrive than that our blog does!!! It seems ridiculous to even make the comparison! :) Good idea about the follow up post!
DeleteThanks for commenting :)
I love a blogger who keeps things in perspective. Being fully present for our children is SO important for their self esteem, meeting their needs early before behavior problems, and for our own enjoyment and memories as well. One of my NYR is to limit Facebook. It it too easy to have it suck up too many of my free moments throughout the day. Thank you so much for this great post.
ReplyDeleteThanks Renae :) I agree- it's so important and it's too easy to let things suck our time (& attention) right up! Definitely something we need to keep reminding ourselves of and making sure we keep it all in perspective. Thanks for taking time to comment!
Not only blogs take away precious time with kids, I've noticed that about 95% of Moms driving their kids to and from school have a cell phone attached to their ear and are totally ignoring their kids. We've had some of our best times and conversations in the car.
Crafty Journal
I know- that's rough! I'm glad I don't have a cell phone! (I had one for a few months for a product review and it was VERY convenient and I do miss that at times, but I am definitely grateful that I don't have that to take my attention away from them!)
DeleteI think that is a great goal! I try to keep my priorities in this order: family, housekeeping/cooking, and anything blog-related last. It might not give me much time for blogging, but it makes for a much happier family!
ReplyDeleteThis definately resonated with me. Trying to find the balance for all the parts of our lives is an ongoing challenge!
ReplyDeleteI am trying to get my blog going again in 2014 but this is definitely something to keep in mind as I do!
ReplyDeleteI'm struggling with this myself, I'm trying to find time on the weekends to do a weeks worth of posts to cut down on my daily time or upkeep; that way it's daddy daughter time too :)
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to expand my blog visibility by 30-50%. However, in doing so, I want to not get so caught that neglect my loved ones.