True Meaning of Easter FHE (Family Home Evening)

True Meaning of Easter FHE (Family Home Evening)

Last night we had a great little "Family Home Evening" where we learned about Easter!

I'll share what we did in this post (it's similar to what I shared yesterday, but different ;)


- I got together with my sister in law a couple of weeks ago and we prepared this Easter countdown. (we didn't use it as a countdown this year though)

- I hid the eggs throughout the living room and asked the girls to bring their Easter baskets to FHE


We sang "Did Jesus Really Live Again" (Katrina didn't know the song, so we learned the words and talked about what they meant before singing it. We also sang the song before bed at night, so that helped her to remember what we had discussed)


I gave the girls this handout (crossed out "yard" and wrote "living room")

Download "You've Been Egged" note HERE.

Then the girls ran around collecting eggs. We sat down in a circle on the floor and discussed each item in the eggs. I knew that the meaning was getting through to Katrina when she said our closing prayer and thoughtfully thanked Heavenly Father that Jesus could die for us, and that we could be with our families in Heaven forever, and told Him that she was sorry that Jesus had to do hard things like that.

:) It was a success! :)

Find more Easter Printables Here:

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1 comment:

  1. That sounds like you had a lovely Easter,before you know will be here again


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