Alphabet Movement Cards

Alphabet Movement Cards

Alphabet movement cards are a fun way to help your kids learn while being active!

Alphabet Movement Cards

I found these alphabet movement cards at The Home Teacher's Blog.

I just printed them, cut them with my scrapbooking paper cutter and then laminated them so that they won't get worn out. It's a free printout, so go get some for yourself if you like them!

We haven't used them too many times yet. The first time I tried to get Talia to play with them she was NOT interested. It wasn't until my parents came over & Talia had my mom doing the actions that she started to get more interested in them. Now she'll go all out if she's in the mood ;)


  1. Wow! These are great. They would be wonderful at our preschool. I'm looking forward to reading more.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll finish the Costa Rica post tomorrow.

  2. hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o:


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~Heather Lynne

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