Play Kitchen

Play Kitchen

I had visions of creating my very own homemade play kitchen for the girls. I had seen pictures of fabulous creations by numerous DIY-Queens (and kings ;) out in the blogosphere. But in the end, I knew there was a very very slim chance that I would ever complete such a project before my girls were ready for their own real kitchens.

So, I resorted to kijiji. And we bought the Little Tikes "My First Kenmore Elite" Kitchen for a small fraction of the "new" price. And we surprised them with it, for no reason! It was so fun!

Here's Talia's reaction:

Talia, Katrina & I spent the next morning arranging dishes, setting pretend tables, feeding dolls, and having tea parties. It was great!

If you're interested in creating your own kitchen (I think you are amazing, btw), just google "homemade play kitchen"... seriously, click here & you'll get a glimpse of the impressive creations out there- they're awesome!


  1. Ahh. I love it when we get to surprise our kids:) I never know who is more happy. Us or them! You are an awesome mom. I think I'm going to do something for my kiddos now! Glad you were in front of me at SITS today lady! Looks like we are fellow Lady Bloggers as well. Great minds I guess:)

  2. Awww I love play kitchens. Well until my toddler learned to climb up on it and do superman dives from the top. lol Hope your girls have a wonderful time creating many memories and laughter.

  3. I always wanted a play kitchen when I was little - how fun!

  4. That looks like so much fun! I wanna play! :) LOVE Talia's reaction--priceless! :)

  5. Hi. Visiting from SITS. Her reaction is priceless. My daughter has the same play kitchen. It has yellow shutters though. Someone had it in front of their house for free.

  6. Oh, how fun! I love the look on her face. That's priceless!


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~Heather Lynne

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