Spring Walk

Spring Walk

I dug out a pair of Talia's old shoes for Katrina to wear outside and tried a jacket on her for size.
Talia got her jacket & runners on.
I put my coat on and then took it off.
And we set out for a walk to get the mail.

The look of pure joy on Katrina's face at being allowed to go outside and walk free was adorable.

Talia ran ahead on the sidewalk with excitement.

I held two little hands.

One eager, steady, ready to let go and run free but willing to return again.

The other also eager, but stumbling nearby, accepting her need for my hand.

Oh, I love these girls. I love Spring. And I hurt a little inside, knowing that there will never be another springtime like this one in my lifetime.

It was lovely!


  1. Ahhhh.....that's how my dogs feel when I take them out to get the mail! Tee hee.

  2. There is something about the outdoors. Kids love to get out there. Your girls are darling.

  3. Oh, spring is the best! We've been enjoying the outdoors this week too.

  4. I am such a suck! I teared up at the thought of no spring like this again...then I thought of my two little boys and how we will never have this week again, this day again, this bedtime kiss again.

    thanks heath! lol


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~Heather Lynne

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