Storytelling (Stories From Your Life)

Storytelling (Stories From Your Life)

Okay you guys I just had to share these videos with you.
I think they're hilarious.
If you've ever heard a kid tell a story...
oh gosh, I don't care who you are, how could you not be amused?

These guys are genius at acting like kids & hearing the kids' voices coming out of these men is too funny for words.

If you've got a few minutes, watch them all- you'll get a good laugh! :)

....and then make a note to share funny stories from your life with your kids. They'll get a kick out of it! (I still remember clearly some of the stories that my parents told us- and I remember requesting the re-telling of some of those stories, over & over & over again :)

Here's their 1st episode:

2nd episode:

3rd episode:


  1. Those videos are soo funny! I am hooked!

  2. Seriously funny! Ted and I laughed a lot watching them. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, I can't stop lauphing!

    I think my favorite lines were "this polly has short hair like a boy...but she is a girl (guril)"


    "Then he went potty"

    I love these!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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