Talia started grade one at school this year, which means that she goes to school every day. She only went for a week before we went on our trip to Texas, and now we’re into her 2nd full week of school. I’m already really happy with her teacher. She seems totally nice, Talia likes her, and she even went out of her way to come to our house to drop Talia’s backpack off when she left it at school the last day before our trip! Talia is adjusting a bit to grade one (which, she has informed me, has less play time than Kindergarten). I am happy that she is excited for me to volunteer in her class, and I look forward to the opportunity both to help out, and to see how things go for her in her class.
Another ‘fun’ bonus of back to school time, is that we’re back to lots of germs ;) We’ve already received the “watch out for lice” note! Yikes! Luckily we’re still in the clear for that! But I know Talia will be exposed to sickness and in turn we’ll all be exposed to any germs she brings home!
So that brings me to sharing with you Lysol’s news: They’re having a special contest for your Kid Who Touches Everything and your local school with the announcement of the Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap ‘Is Your Kid a Kid Who Touches Everything?’ Photo Contest!

The winner of the grand-prize gets a $10,000 cash prize and $10,000 to donate to a school of their choice!
To enter, you can go to Lysol Canada’s Facebook Page where you can submit a photo of your own kid who touches everything exploring and discovering their world in their dirtiest, messiest, stickiest, and germiest situations! Details can be found on the facebook page. I can’t wait to see the crazy photos! :)
And that contest isn’t all, after you enter that contest, hurry back here to enter this giveaway just for my blog readers! Share the link to your own contest entry on the Lysol facebook page and you’ll be entered to receive a free Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap kit, which includes the dispenser, batteries, and 1 refill!
Entered the giveaway
I entered the Lysol photo contest