Get Happy! ( & a Coupon Code! )

Get Happy! ( & a Coupon Code! )

Remember a couple of months ago I posted my interview with Hilary Weeks and shared her new CD?
I shared this video there, but if you didn't watch it then, you need to watch it now, because this is what today's post is all about!

Hilary Weeks sent me one of her clicker kits so I could try clicking for myself. So, I got my clicker and happily put my little happy face sticker on the side of it and I looked at it. Then I thought to myself, well I want to click it, so I need to think of something happy! So, I sat there and started thinking happy thoughts and clicking. Then I put the clicker around my wrist and started going about my day. Just having that little clicker with me made me consciously want to think happy thoughts! I don't know why, but there's something satisfying about clicking the clicker! So, I wanted to think happy thoughts. And every time I thought a happy thought and clicked my clicker, I wanted to stop and think of a few more happy thoughts so that I could click a few more times!

It didn't take long for my girls to notice the clicker (and it didn't take long for Katrina to figure out how to reset it). So, I explained to each of them what the clicker is for and that I was counting happy thoughts. Both of their immediate reactions were to tell me some happy thoughts and ask if they could click! So, it's become a communal clicker. The girls will come over to me and announce that they have some happy thoughts they need to click about! haha I love it! Yesterday Talia came home from school with a number of clicks she wanted to enter from her day! :)

One Billion Clicks!

Hilary's clicking website is called because they're on a mission over there, to reach a billion happy thoughts! You can go to the website and enter your clicks and be part of the tally! They've got 3.5 million clicks so far- think of the difference one billion positive thoughts could make! When you enter your clicks online, you can receive a free digital kit with downloadable quotes, wallpaper and more.

Great Gifts!

The clicker kits make great stocking stuffers, neighbour gifts, & teacher's Christmas gifts! (Some teachers use them in their classrooms- the students get to come up and click the clicker!)

One of my favourite parts to check out on the website is the store because they've got more than clickers there- you can find really cute books, journals, note cards, stickers, and more- and they're all geared toward positive thinking! It's a great place to look for gifts for people!

Coupon Code!

Want to get yourself a clicker kit?

From now until the end of the month of November, you can go to and use the coupon code HEATHER303 to order the Clicker Kit ($11.95 + shipping). For each Clicker Kit ordered, you'll receive a free clicker, wristband and sticker ($4.99 reg.) !

Disclosure: I received a clicker kit for review purposes and may receive compensation for sharing a coupon code with my readers if it is used

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~Heather Lynne

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