Take the #ColgateSensitive Pro-Relief Challenge!

Take the #ColgateSensitive Pro-Relief Challenge!

I have had sensitive teeth for quite a while now- the pain in my teeth caused by cold foods is unbelievable!   I have been using toothpaste for sensitive teeth for quite a while now, and so has my husband and my oldest daughter.  It has made my sensitivity more bearable, but there is no way you'll see me biting a popsicle or eating ice cream without my lips shielding my teeth.   So we were all excited when we got the opportunity to take the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Challenge!

The first thing Talia noticed when she tried the toothpaste was that it was not as "minty" as the toothpaste we had been using (she loved that because she hates the extreme minty taste a lot of toothpastes have).  I, on the other hand, love that minty feeling!  I was surprised when Ken mentioned that it wasn't as minty as our previous toothpaste because I found it quite refreshing! (I have tried toothpastes that are less minty and leave me longing for that minty fresh feeling- this wasn't one of those- my mouth still felt very fresh).

I've only been using the toothpaste for a few days, but it's definitely working at least as well as my previous toothpaste for sensitivity.  It's formulated to shield and even repair sensitive teeth with regular use. I'm kinda bummed that I don't have any popsicles or ice cream in the house to test this new toothpaste out on- I am told that you can massage it on your tooth for one minute and notice a difference right away- how cool is that?! Most other sensitivity toothpastes contain potassium nitrate, which primarily numbs the tooth nerve, masking the pain of tooth sensitivity, and will take 2 weeks of use before relief is delivered. Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste works by plugging the channels that lead to the sensitive tooth nerves, to block the pain.

Disclosure: I am part of the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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