Top 10 Posts of 2016

Top 10 Posts of 2016

While gathering the top 10 posts published in 2016, I noticed a theme. A lot of them are related to our trip to Florida in January! That may be because those posts were up the longest, so they had more time to get more traffic, or it may be because Florida and Disney World are pretty darn awesome. ;)  

I really hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season (it's not over yet- New Year's Eve is around the corner!) and that 2017 will bring fabulous things into your life! I wonder what the top posts for 2017 will be! :)

Click the "Read More" button below, to see the top posts on this blog from 2016!

We visited Disney World with Ken's cousin and his family and were very impressed with how well Disney World is set up for little kids! I shared details in this post.

We stayed at an amazing vacation home while in Florida- we were extremely impressed! I share a ton of photos and details about our amazing experience there (including walking on water inside of a giant bubble!) in this post.

This was a fun idea that Ken came up with when we visited Disney World- how to get the characters to digitally sign right on top of the photo you just took with them- genius! ;) Details in the post.

This was one of several posts that I shared around Easter time with great ideas for celebrating Easter with your family. This particular one included a beautiful free printable (not created by me ;). Head to the post for details or to download your own copy (or pin it for next Easter!).

My mom and I had an amazing experience at Ste. Anne's spa and I documented it all in photos and shared the story in this blog post. Just reading through it relaxes me! I hope I get to go back someday!

This was another in that series of Easter posts- a great game to play with your family (and create this recipe while you're at it!).

While preparing for our Disney trip, I created these cute Mickey shirts with some special vinyl and my Cricut- details in the post!

Disney World was amazing! But my feet were KILLING me after a couple of days of park-walking! I created this post to hopefully save others from the painful fate I suffered! ;) If I get back to Disney, I'll be more prepared and fully able to enjoy the magic around me without the distraction of "screaming" feet!

This one was a recent share from a series of free printables for Christmas. Head to the post for details on this cute service-oriented idea, and get your own printables (or pin for next year)!

The number one post from 2016 (not including popular posts that were written in previous years) was this idea for telling your kids about a surprise trip to Disney World! We used the same idea this year, to tell our kids about a family trip we'll be taking in 2017. It's not so major as Disney World (we'll be visiting family in a place just as cold as Ontario), but it was still a very fun and exciting reveal!

Check out the top posts from previous years too- they're good ones! :)

Have a great last few days of 2016 everyone!! :)

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  1. Love that you took the time to figure all of this out! I know where to look when I am ready to plan that trip to the Magic Kingdom!

  2. You did have a lot of popular posts from Disney. But that doesn't surprise me!! Heading over to read your St. Anne's spa post. Heading there with my mom in March!!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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