1. My middle name is Joy, I like to share it with others
2. I married a California man and somehow convinced him to come to Texas to raise our family
3. I rode a camel through the pyraminds in Egypt
4. I like to sing loudly to the radio
5. I love to accesorize–headbands, bracelets, necklaces

I started out my blog sharing images that I took for my photography business, but now I like to share our home decor diy projects, crafts, recipes, thoughts on motherhood, what I wear wednesdays, anything that's on my mind!

Our Homemade Bed
Decorating with Portraits & Our Vintage Frames
Sliding Barn Door TV Cover
Mary Had a Little Lambe Party
Streamlining Snacking

How/Why did you start blogging?
I started by sharing sneak peeks with my clients from their portrait sessions.
Has your reason for blogging changed? If so, why?
When I took the family portraits for my friend Amy from The Idea Room blog, she asked me if I wanted to share weekly photography tips on her blog. I did that for nearly a year, and found that her readers would come to my blog to read what I was sharing, which turned into other loves, I also enjoyed blogging about crafts, recipes, and home diy projects. I loved sharing the tips on her blog, but I got overwhelmed with coming up with something each week, so it eventually ended.
Tell us about your Books & Workshops!
I have written 2 books for the beginner photographer. One, called Say NO to Auto which is the very basics and 2nd, Get Focused, which is the intermediate level who is comfortable off of auto settings. I have sold nearly 3000 copies, and love the feedback I hear from others that my books have helped them! My books and info on them can be found here: http://kristendukephotography.com/?page_id=7602
I also travel some and do workshops for Say NO to Auto.
Would you like to see your blog featured here? I'll be doing a "Feature Friday" post, featuring one blogger & their blog on Fridays throughout 2012. If you have a blog that you'd like to see featured, please send me an email to raisingmemories at gmail dot com to submit your blog.
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~Heather Lynne