1. We can hold entire conversations using only movie quotes.
2. We have spitting contests, where one person tries to get the other person to spit out water by saying something funny or crazy.
3. We are full blooded sisters with 4 different hair colors: Auburn, Brown, Blonde, and Janae's bright orange/red hair
4. We've been on The Martha Stewart Show! (Twice! :) )
5. Our heights range from just barely under 6 ft tall (Jamie) to 5'3" (Julianna, who can still shop in the little kid show section)

We are 4 sisters that grew up stealing eachother's clothes, hogging the bathroom, laughing till wee hours of the morning, and doing projects together. We have since grown up and moved away and we started our blog as a project to do together again despite the distance. We have a love for fashion, crafts, recipes, and just making beautiful things.

Muppet Birthday Party
Grocery List Printable
Best Daddy Ever Beans Printable
Martha Stewart & The Letter 4 Sisters
Recipe Magnet Board

Would you like to see your blog featured here? I'll be doing a "Feature Friday" post, featuring one blogger & their blog on Fridays throughout 2012. If you have a blog that you'd like to see featured, please send me an email to raisingmemories at gmail dot com to submit your blog.
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~Heather Lynne