1. I lived in England for a year.
2. I shattered my wrist in Africa.
3. I was once in the circus for winning a coloring contest.
4. I have auditioned for a number of reality shows, but I haven't made the cut...made it close in one.
5. If I had to choose one food to eat the rest of my life it would definitely be pizza.

My blog is a challenge for me to be more intentional in my parenting. Every day you will find a craft or activity, character development idea (new trait weekly and idea daily), and parenting tips. Every now and again I will throw in a favorite recipe since I love food.

American Flag Collage
This is an American flag collage that yields great results but is super easy to produce. Kids of any age can participate in making this work of art.
Cake Making 201
Cake Making 201 followed my Caking Making 101 post. It's an intro to working with fondant. Cakes have become a hobby and passion for me. I've loved to involve my kids in the process.
Homemade Lollipops
We made these simple homemade lollipops by breaking up hard candies, putting them on a baking sheet and baking them. It has definitely been one of my favorite activities and posts that I've done. It was so much fun, and I loved the whimsical, colorful and tasty outcome.
Day 84- Virtue in Celery
Each week we are working on one character trait that is accompanied by a Bible verse and daily activities, crafts or word pictures. Putting celery in food coloring was a word picture for virtue. It demonstrates that the images, people, language and media we surround ourselves with will be absorbed and can impact our behavior.
Independant Play Choices
I wanted to find a way to give my kids some direction when it was time for independent play. Popsicle sticks and a bit of Mod Podge resulted in my own solution to keeping the kids focused when playing by themselves.


How/Why did you start blogging?
Becoming a mother is hard. I learned that in the labor process, and I’ve been learning it ever since. This blog has been, for me, a desire to be more intentional in my parenting. I think I’ve spent the last four years of parenting living in the “I should” moments. I should really take my kids to the park when it’s cold outside. I really should get a reward system in place at our home. I should get off “Words with Friends” right now and spend some quality time with my kids. I should really invest in the character development of the kids more. I was tired of the “I should” and decided to become meaningful. This isn’t about me being an amazing mom. It’s about me trying to improve daily in this precious role. I have tips for you because I have found the observations of other moms and the advice I get from the “professional” moms as invaluable. As I was left floundering and questioning every decision in parenting, I reached out to others I saw doing it right. I got answers. As I implemented them, I saw them work…and quickly. As I became more intentional, I saw my kids thriving. I am now working on character qualities weekly - like joy, love, perseverance, obedience, orderliness, self-control, patience…and the list keeps building. As I’m working on those in my kids, I’m learning how much I need to work on those in myself. When focusing on a specific character quality, I’m discovering teachable moments around every turn. The scripture that backs up these qualities is being instilled in my kids. I want to use creativity, fun and play to aid in my children’s development as well as create the buy in to our family life. I want them to enjoy us, and I want to enjoy them. Is life at our house perfect? Absolutely not. Is it improving? Absolutely yes. I want to inspire others to be more meaningful in their parenting. Will I have Martha Steward moments in the process? Hopefully, a few. Mostly, I want things accessible. Things you can take away and say, “I can do that. I’m going to do that this week.” Do everything? No, but I am hoping you’ll take something away from these minutes you spend in my corner of the web that inspire you to turn the “I should…” into “I’m going to…”
Would you like to see your blog featured here? I'll be doing a "Feature Friday" post, featuring one blogger & their blog on Fridays throughout 2012. If you have a blog that you'd like to see featured, please send me an email to raisingmemories at gmail dot com to submit your blog.
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