Monday Moments #13

Monday Moments #13

Remember my SIL Rachelle who was expecting her baby any day?
Well, she arrived yesterday at 4:54am. Due to mixed messages, we thought the baby was breach at first (she wasn't).
I tell you this detail because of Talia's quote of the week:

Talia: "Can we go see Aunt Rushy today?"
Us: "Yep, after church!"
Talia: "We still can, even though she was preaching?

Yesterday was a special day for us as we got to meet the girls' new cousin Terrah who wasn't even a day old yet! They sure loved her :)


  1. Do you have any more photos? I haven't gotten to see a good, clear close up of that baby's face! These pictures are so lovely and snuggly. Babies are just the best!

  2. I do have a close up from when someone was holding her- I'll e-mail it to you!

  3. Yummy! I can almost smell the newborness from her. Totally precious!

  4. Such awesome pictures! :) I'm so glad to have such a talented sister in law! :)

  5. ohhhh, how precious are those moments! simply sweet! Talia is a doll!


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~Heather Lynne

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